
Acupuncture: Modern science explains that Acupuncture stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals and hormones. This promotes the body’s own internal regulating system to influence the functions of healing the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These chemicals can change the experience of pain, reduce inflammation, increase blood circulation, or calm the nervous system to reduce acute or chronic stress. The improved biochemical balance produced by acupuncture stimulates the body’s natural healing abilities, and in promoting physical and emotional well-being.


Herbal Prescriptions: Each formula is made for the need of the individual. Prescriptions will be modified as the patient’s conditions change. Herbal Medicine may be used in conjunction with Acupuncture, or as a single modality.

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Cupping: Glass cups are placed on the skin by using a technique called Fire Cupping. Fire is temporarily inserted into a glass cup which causes oxygen to be extinguished from the glass. When the fire is removed and extinguished, it results in a suction. The cup is then placed gently on the skin, which then helps to mobilize blood flow to promote healing. It is effective in treating many different conditions ranging from a common cold to musculoskeletal pain.